The human being doesn‘t only need water, food and air to live. A crucial element, which influences our psyche and health but which we are aware of least of all, is light.
Since millions of years mankind has got used to living under daylight. At the end of the 19th century middle Europeans spent more than 90% of the daytime under sunlight. Nowadays it’s only 10% in average.
That means for us:
We absorb much too little sunlight. Especially the important ranges of the light spectrum, which are important for our organism and are absorbed by the eye, are missing in the common artificial light. The lack of natural light as a negative consequence of our modern way of life is a considerable cause for diseases.
Sunlight includes the full spectrum of light, which consists of the colours ultraviolet, violet, blue, green, yellow and red. Our normal, artificial light, emitted by common bulbs and fluorescent tubes, is no appropriate substitution for natural light. The reason for that are missing important spectral ranges like the ultraviolet and infrared ones, which can’t be seen by the human eye but constitute a special value for our health, if they are emitted in moderate dosage.
Although windows allow daylight to fall in and produce brightness, glass prevents the natural and vitally important ultraviolet radiation from falling in. Full spectrum fluorescent tubes produce relief for that.
In the workplace and everywhere else where it is important to see free of stress and stay concentrated for a longer period of time, the application of these fluorescent tubes has proven its inestimable value. Especially in connection with an electronic ballast harmful scintillation as most frequent reason for irritated eyes is avoided.
Good light is therefore not only a question of brightness and light colour but is defined significantly by its spectral composition.