studentThere are many arguments in favour of TRUE LIGHT®:

Owing to their special properties, True-Light full spectrum fluorescent lamps and their effects have been the subject of many investigations. They offer a light source particularly similar to natural daylight for the specific applications of full spectrum fluorescent lamps.

A number of positive statements and publications from investigations or experience reports confirm these advantages!

Investigations and experience reports about TRUE LIGHT®:

"Students at an American university working under full spectrum lighting stayed attentive for a longer time and became less tired when doing perceptive tasks.”"

Maas, Jayson, Kleiber: Effects Of Spectral Differences In Illumination On Fatigue - Journal of applied psychology 59, 1974

"Numerous medical investigations have now demonstrated that the human organism also needs a minimum degree of radiation containing UV light for a number of bodily functions."

K. Stanjek: Zwielicht - die Ökologie der künstlichen Helligkeit
Raben Verlag, München 1989

"We have finally realized that light is a nutrient like food, that the wrong light just like the wrong nutrition makes us sick, and that the right light can preserve our health. Research has made a giant step, but there is still a lot left to be done."

Dr. John Ott, Fotobiologe: Risikofaktor Kunstlicht - Stress durch falsche Beleuchtung
Knaur-Verlag, München 1989

"Light stress is the sum of many disregulations of the nervous system, such as irritability, and – depending on the temperament – aggression or melancholy, or exhaustion and reluctance to work. The American space agency NASA drew the consequences from this experience. In the late sixties they have developed the full spectrum lamp with some important improvements in the spectrum as compared to conventional fluorescent lamps: the light color corresponds to sunlight, and the radiation is much more uniformly distributed over the spectrum. The astronauts perform much better, and other users also report improved attention and better moods."

Dr. Johannes Holler, Internist: Das neue Gehirn
Junfermann´sche Verlagsbuchhaltung, Paderborn 1996

"If we speak about health, balance and physiological control, we refer to the essential health-preserving systems of the body: the nervous system and the endocrine system. These important control centers of the body are directly stimulated and regulated by light – to an extent far exceeding what modern science would have accepted until recently." - "We have recently realized that we breathe in polluted air, eat poisoned food and drink dirty water. However, we have mostly failed to notice the most obvious nutrient of all – light."

J. Liberman, Augenarzt: Die heilende Kraft des Lichts - der Einfluß des Lichts auf Psyche und Körper
Piper-Verlag, München 1996

"Owing to the good experience with full spectrum lamps, they have now been installed not only in all American Polaris submarines but also in hospitals, sanatoriums, schools, universities and factories, and also at many workplaces and in private rooms as normal lighting for the whole day."

E. Brandmayer, B. Köhler, Naturheilarzt: Licht schenkt Leben
fit fürs Leben Verlag, Ritterhude 1997

"Artificial lighting has an influence on the depressive behavior of students during winter months (fluctuations in mood, lack of energy, increasing appetite, irritability and increasing anxiety are indicators of what is called Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD or winter depression), as it influences motivation for learning. Students exposed to lighting with full spectrum lamps showed a significant decrease in depression and depressive symptoms as opposed to students exposed to cool white fluorescent lamps."

W. Tithof: The Effects Of Full Spectrum Light On Student Depression As A Factor In Student Learning Dissertation, Walden University 1998